Monday, October 21, 2019

Abortion misc2 essays

Abortion misc2 essays Abortion has been one the most controversial subjects in American history both socially and politically. Both sides have their points that they stand on. Though it looks like both sides will never come up with a solution to their problem it has split America in to two sides; pro - choice and pro - life. In January 22, 1973 U. S Supreme Court declared that a women had the " Fundamental Fight" to have an abortion, the ruling set off a vociferous and protracted battle marked by demonstrations and sloganeering, sit - ins and arrests. There included dozens of legal challenges that gave some victories in court. These rulings gave some comfort to the pro - life supporters to their defeat. In 1973 the rulings impose some restrictions on miners seeking abortions, usually requiring parental notification or consent. Nineteen states have imposed a mandatory waiting period for women seeking abortions, and all but 12 states oppose public funding for abortions. Opponents of abortion state the point that abortion is morally wrong and is also a form of murder. Meanwhile, pro - choice objected by saying it's the individuals choice of free will to do what they think is right. Pro - life brings up a point by saying what right do people have to aborting a fetus simply because it's the wrong sex. Another reason for abortions are unwanted pregnancies as well as the emotional instability of teenage girls in deciding how to handle an unplanned pregnancy. Rape is another reason for people to have abortion; pro-life simple say's it's not the feuds fault for what's happened. Simply if you can't bare raising a child because of rape, money problems, or commitment, just give the child up for adoption. Many who protect abortion are people of conscience. They know that their opposition to this procedure can not justify murdering those where medical practice includes ending unwanted pregnancies. A few however consider themselves r ...

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